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10 Quality Kitchen Cabinets Tips to Save on Your Next Purchase
10 tips for kitchen cabinet purchase


The cost of cabinetry can be one of the largest investments in a kitchen remodel. Here are some tips and advice to help you save big on your next purchase.


The cost of cabinetry can be one of the largest investments in a kitchen remodel. Here are some tips and advice to help you save big on your next purchase.

For the best value, buy a full cabinetry kitchen.

If you’re looking to save money and get the most out of your kitchen, then a full cabinetry kitchen is the way to go. Not only do they have more storage space and counter space, but they are also more appealing, durable, versatile and affordable than other designs.

Why is this? You might be wondering how this can be true when full cabinsets cost more upfront than partial or open-concept kitchens. The answer lies in the fact that full cabinets require fewer repairs over time because they can’t be damaged as easily as other types of designs.

Do not neglect your island.

If you have an island in your kitchen, do not neglect it! It is a great place to work, eat and entertain guests. You can display your favorite dishes or cookware on its surface. Your family photos look great there too! Why not display some of the artwork that you’ve created? Or maybe your kids’ art projects? Plants also look nice in this area because of the light coming through windows above them.

How about adding a bar stool or two for extra seating when company comes over? That way everyone has a chance to sit down together at once instead just having one person standing around waiting for another person’s turn at sitting down (which happens too often if everyone only has one seat).

Remember to complement your cabinetry with moldings and accessories.

Remember to complement your cabinetry with moldings and accessories.

Molding can be used to add visual interest and help define a space. Accessories such as cabinet handles, drawer pulls, or even just decorative hardware help make the interior of your cabinets look more interesting. This is especially important if you’re going for modern-style cabinets because they can end up looking very plain on their own if there isn’t anything else in the room that adds some flair or style. You may also want to consider adding a backsplash behind your stovetop or sink if you’d like to make this area look more modern (though you don’t have any obligation whatsoever).

Use light and bright colors for smaller rooms.

  • Use light and bright colors for smaller rooms.

When it comes to choosing the right color, there are several factors that should be taken into consideration. The first thing you should do is consider how much natural light your kitchen will receive. If your kitchen has lots of windows and gets plenty of sunlight, you may want to opt for lighter colors such as white or cream-colored cabinetry so that they don’t overpower the space. On the other hand, if your kitchen doesn’t get much natural light at all (such as being located underground), then darker colors like black or espresso brown can really make a difference in creating a more spacious feeling inside the space!

  • Use neutral colors for kitchens with a lot of windows.

Neutral tones tend to blend well with any surrounding decorating theme — whether it’s country chic or contemporary chic! So if you’re planning on using decorative accessories like art pieces or plants throughout your home’s interior design theme but worry about matching up those accessories’ hues with those found within this particular room…well there’s no need because most likely neither one will clash with what might appear on either side!”

Don’t forget about the sink cabinet when considering your overall kitchen design.

Sink cabinets are often overlooked when it comes to designing a kitchen. But there are so many ways that sink cabinets can help you save space, clean up your countertops, and make it easier for you to do the things you love in your kitchen.

It’s important to remember that the sink cabinet is an integral part of your overall design. If used properly, a sink cabinet can help make your counters look cleaner by hiding items such as cutting boards or mixing bowls that are being used for cooking. It can also be used to store items like baking supplies or cleaning supplies underneath the sink itself (which will save room on the countertop). And if you have extra storage space above your sink—as many people do—that’s another great place where these types of cabinets can come in handy!

Choose versatile, timeless styles that will retain their beauty for years to come.

A beautiful kitchen is the heart of a home, and the cabinets that make up your kitchen’s walls and tops are a big part of what makes it so beautiful. Choosing quality cabinets for your home is an important decision, because they should last for years to come. The right choice can also help you feel good about your kitchen, as well as save you money in the long run.

When you’re thinking about what style is right for your home, there are several things that need to be considered:

  • What will work with all the other design elements in my home?
  • How much room do I have on each side of my stovetop? How much clearance do I have above my sink? Will I need more space than normal under my counters (for example, if I want extra storage)?
  • What kind of look am I going for overall? Do I want something modern or traditional? Sleek or rustic?

Wall cabinets should be hung so that the bottom of each is no more than 48 inches above the floor.

  • Wall cabinets should be hung so that the bottom of each is no more than 48 inches above the floor.
  • Use a tape measure to measure from the floor to the bottom of each wall cabinet, and make sure it’s less than 48″. If you don’t have a tape measure, simply place an object on top of your lower kitchen cabinets that you can use as a guide.

Base cabinets should be placed so that their countertop surfaces are no more than 36 inches above the floor.

Kitchen cabinets should be placed so that their countertop surfaces are no more than 36 inches above the floor. This standard height allows you to use a rolling cart to easily reach items stored in lower cabinets. If you want to store taller items, like pots and pans, in your base cabinets, consider placing them at an angle so that the top of the cabinet is higher than its bottom. That way, it’s easy for you to access tall pots and pans without having to bend down very far.

Replace old hinges, handles, and drawer pulls with new ones as a simple way to add style to your existing kitchen cabinets without spending a ton of money on new cabinetry.

While you are replacing your kitchen cabinets, replace old hinges, handles and drawer pulls with new ones as a simple way to add style to your existing kitchen cabinets without spending a ton of money on new cabinetry. New hardware is affordable and can be found online at discount prices. Once you have replaced the hardware on all of your cabinets, take a look at how they complement each other and if any changes need to be made.

If you do not like the look of some of them…change them! It’s easy to change out cabinet hardware with items from various stores such as IKEA or Home Depot and it won’t cost much money either!

Overall though this is one area where I would suggest spending extra money if possible because it will pay off by adding value not only physically but mentally too—since it’s something we use every day when cooking or cleaning up after meals (i.e., making coffee).

With these tips and advice, you can find the perfect kitchen cabinets for your home at a price you can afford!

With these tips and advice, you can find the perfect kitchen cabinets for your home at a price you can afford!

  • Don’t be shy about asking questions. If you have any concerns or confusion about anything, ask away! Most people are more than happy to help out when it comes to making sure that both parties get what they want out of the deal. Just remember: if something doesn’t feel right or just doesn’t seem like something is quite right, trust your gut instinct and ask someone else for their opinion as well; you may end up saving yourself a lot of money and heartache in the long run!
  • Look beyond just price tags; there’s more than one way to save money when buying things like these! For example: some stores offer “built-in” sales where they’ll give customers who purchase items within certain time periods (usually around Christmas time) discounts on their purchases; others will let customers know about special promotions when they visit their store(s). All this means is that getting those extra dollars back in savings isn’t impossible after all–it’s just going to take some extra research beforehand.”


We hope you’ve enjoyed this blog post, and that it gave you some valuable insight into how to save money when shopping for new kitchen cabinets. By keeping these tips in mind while browsing our selection of high-quality cabinetry, we’re confident that you’ll be able to find the perfect set of cabinets for your home at a price that won’t break the bank.
