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Kitchen Cabinets Ideas Summer 2022
kitchen cabinets summer 2022



Summer is in full swing and it’s time to get those cabinets ready for the season. Summer is all about the open air and fresh, vibrant colors, so why not spread some sunshine into your kitchen? Our collection of cabinet ideas will help you bring the outdoors in with bold color combinations and clean lines.

Flat Front Drawers

Flat-front drawers are a trend that many cabinet makers have embraced because of their practicality. Flat fronts make it easier to clean and use, install, paint and repair. The ease of flat fronts helps cabinets stand out from their competitors.

  • Cleaning: Flat fronts can be wiped off with ease using just your hands or a cloth. They’re also less prone to splatters which makes them ideal for areas where food is prepared or stored. If you live in an area where insects might be an issue, flat fronts make it easy to wipe away crumbs before they attract bugs!
  • Use: The flat surface allows you to easily access what’s inside the drawer without having to strain at all while still maintaining ergonomic posture by keeping your back straight while reaching into the drawer (as opposed to bending over). This is especially important when opening deep-set drawers or those that require reaching over other items inside them – think canned goods shelf!
  • Install: The lack of protruding handles means fewer chances for leaking water damage; plus there are no gaps between drawers either so even if there are leaks from one drawer down below then those above will remain dry!”


The color grey is a neutral, calming color that’s popular for kitchen cabinets. It makes a great choice for a kitchen with a small budget, as well as those who have modern or traditional tastes.

Grey is typically considered the most versatile of all kitchen cabinet colors because it can be used in any style and decorating style.


White is a classic and timeless kitchen cabinet choice. It’s also a great option for many different styles of homes, from beach houses to modern houses to traditional ones.

White cabinets are always in style and will never go out of style! They’re one of those colors that can work with just about any décor, no matter what it is!

Warm Tones

Warm tones are great for summer kitchens, as they help to create a warm and inviting space. Warm tones are generally yellow, orange, and red. They can be used to complement the natural light that floods your kitchen in the summer months. For example, if you have one of those big windows that allow for plenty of natural light during the day then consider adding some warmth with warm-colored cabinets or perhaps even a warmer shade of white on your walls.

Floating Shelves

Floating shelves are a great way to display items. They’re easy to install and can be made from wood, glass, or metal. Floating shelving is ideal for small spaces because it takes up less room than other storage options such as cabinets and drawers. The following steps will help you create your own floating shelves:

  • Measure the area where you want to place your floating shelves
  • Purchase boards that are at least 1″ thick
  • Cut the boards so they are equal in length (use one piece per side if possible)

Matte Hardware

  • Matte hardware is a modern trend.
  • Matte hardware is easy to clean, install and maintain.
  • Matte hardware is a durable choice that will last for years to come.

Modern and clean kitchen cabinets for your summer house.

Modern and clean kitchen cabinets for your summer house.

Kitchen cabinets are a great way to show off your personality while still fitting in with the rest of your home’s decor. This is why it’s important to have kitchen cabinets that complement the room, rather than overwhelm it. While having a classic set of wooden cabinets might not be ideal for every space, using neutral colors will help them better blend into their surroundings. This can be achieved by opting for light shades such as white or gray, but you could also go bolder with taupe or even an earthy green hue like sagebrush if you want something more interesting! Once everything has been decided upon—from color selections down through specific finishes—you can start looking at dimensions based on what kind of space they’ll end up taking up in your home so nothing looks cramped or crowded when installed correctly.”


As you can see, there are many ways to bring some color and texture into your kitchen cabinets for summer. The key is to keep it simple so that the cabinets themselves don’t overpower the room. We are here to help with your all cabinets needs.
